Yes! If you want, there’s a scientist who changed your life to the better to be celebrated every day! Also there are other nerd holidays of notable scientific events and simply quirks, such as pi-day (3/14), because who doesn’t like a day where everyone gets to eat as much Pie as possible?


Yes! Newton Days are designed to be. They give you all the symbolism you know and love and transport it into the world of evidence backed holidays! It’s magical. So while your grand-parents, aunts or other relatives celebrate Christmas, you can celebrate Newton Days and you don’t have to change a thing! Suddenly, simply by framing the experience in a different light, you can participate in the festive season and honestly enjoy it.

The best thing about science is that you don’t have to believe in it. It works anyway. So your cordially invited to celebrate Newton Days and reflect on how awesome it is, we might send rockets to Mars soon!

Definitely! Newton Days is about how science made the world better for everyone! And the best thing about science is, it works even if you don’t believe in it. So yes, Newton Days are fully inclusive and every human (and non-human) being should celebrate it!